Morah Leah Music

Morah Leah Music and Publishing offers a wide range of educational resources to engage children in learning about their Jewish heritage, holidays, customs, and practices. With original music, animated videos, chapter books, comic books, and games, learning is not only informative, but fun and entertaining. Creators, educators, and musicians, Leah and Yoseph Urso, use a variety of engaging medium for children to explore and deepen their understanding, Whether it's through catchy original tunes, beautifully illustrated books, or animated videos, Morah Leah strives to engage children with exciting and interactive learning opportunities. By combining education with entertainment, Morah Leah Music provides a valuable Torah-based platform for children of all ages to sing, dance, connect with their roots, and embrace their Jewish identity.

I Can See the Stars CD coverI Can See the Stars CD cover
Mitzvot, Mitzvot Everyday CD Cover
Mitzvot, Mitzvot Everyday CD Cover

I Can See the Stars album features 16 new kid-tested songs for every Jewish holiday. Original and exciting Torah-based songs delight children of all ages, and their mothers too!

Mitzvot, Mitzvot, Everyday! Beginning with the rooster crowing and ending with the bedtime Shema, this album takes your child through a Jewish day, with blessings and original songs, recorded with real Nashville musicians!

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